Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.


Labour Hire Authority (LHA) has range of policies in place to determine how we operate and how we are governed. This allows us to ensure we meet all Victorian public service requirements, laws and regulations.

Compliance and Enforcement Policy

Our Compliance and Enforcement Policy sets out the principles we adopt to achieve compliance with the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018 (Vic) (Act).

This policy:

  • outlines strategies and tools used to monitor and investigate compliance, conduct investigations and enforce compliance with the Act and Labour Hire Licensing Regulations 2018 (Vic)
  • explains how we will publicise compliance and enforcement.

View the Compliance and Enforcement Policy (PDF)

External Complaints Policy

LHA’s External Complaints Policy details the process for making complaints against employees, officers or contractors of LHA.

This policy does not cover complaints against:

  • LHA appointed Inspectors pursuant to Part 5 of the Act
  • a labour hire provider or host
  • protected disclosures under the Protected Disclosures Act 2012 (Vic)
  • licensing decisions by LHA (i.e, cancellations, refusals, conditions, or licence grants).

View the External Complaints Policy (PDF)

Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy

LHA has a policy on providing and responding to offers of gifts, benefits and hospitality, including:

  • how these offers are managed and recorded
  • when they must be declined.

This policy supports LHA in avoiding conflicts of interest and maintaining integrity and public trust to ensure confidence in how we make decisions.

Public officials are responsible for ensuring that their own conduct meets the required standards of integrity and that they place the public interest above their own interests when carrying out their official duties. To date and in line with the policy, no non-token gifts, benefits or hospitality have been received.

LHA will update the register of gifts, benefits and hospitality offered to and accepted by LHA and its people if this circumstance changes.

View the Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy (PDF)

Regulatory Approach

LHA’s primary aim is ensure the labour hire industry operates fairly and with integrity and transparency, to protect workers from exploitation.

Our Regulatory Approach sets out how LHA ensures labour hire providers and hosts comply with the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018 (Vic).

It provides an overview of who we are and what we do, our vision and strategic priorities. It covers the principles that guide us in performing our regulatory functions. It informs regulated parties of the objectives and decision-making principles that guide our licensing, compliance and enforcement activities.

Procurement Activity Plan

The Procurement Activity Plan (plan) outlines LHA’s anticipated procurement activity over the next 12 to 24 months. It provides LHA and potential suppliers with an overview of what we plan to buy at the category level and individual procurements where information is available.

This document will be regularly updated to reflect procurement requirements. This plan is a core component of the LHA’s procurement strategy.

Freedom of Information (FOI) statement

Learn about how LHA handles Freedom of Information requests.

>Freedom of Information