Strategic plan

The Labour Hire Authority (LHA) Strategic Plan 2022-2027 is the LHA’s first significant strategic plan.

It sets out how we will successfully regulate the labour hire industry so that workers are protected from exploitation, and to improve the transparency and accountability of the labour hire industry over the next five years.

Read the plan at:

LHA Strategic Plan 2022-2027

Snapshot: LHA Strategic Plan 2022-2027

strategic plan wheel diagram

Our values

Our vision is that labour hire workers in Victoria are protected from exploitation.

Our purpose is to protect workers from being exploited by providers of labour hire services and hosts and to improve the transparency and integrity of the labour hire industry.

Our values lay the foundation for everything we do. They enable us to achieve our purpose:

  • We are responsive. We are approachable and provide timely, useful and accurate information.
  • We act with integrity. We have unbiased and honest interactions and use our powers responsibly.​​​​​​​
  • We are impartial. We are fair and consistent in our application of the law, and consider all relevant facts and fair criteria on merit and without bias.​​​​​​​
  • We are accountable. We fulfil our objectives in a clear, transparent and responsible way.
  • We demonstrate leadership. We seek to have a positive influence and to empower others.​​​​​​​
  • We are respectful. We respect our stakeholders, colleagues and ourselves.
  • We respect human rights. We administer the law and deliver decisions, advice and policy that respect and support everyone’s human rights.

Our functions

The LHA has several important functions to stop the exploitation of labour hire workers that are proportionate to the harms involved. These functions include:

  • administering the Labour Hire Licensing Scheme in Victoria.
  • monitoring, investigating and enforcing compliance.
  • promoting compliance through education and engagement.
  • supporting delivery of these functions through essential corporate services.

Our priorities

Our Strategic Priorities for 2022-2027 are underpinned by our strategic intent and our values and will guide the way our regulatory operations and corporate services will achieve our vision:

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Create and maintain a fair and lawful labour hire industry

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Achieve high impact compliance and enforcement outcomes

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Educate and engage with industry and the community

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Be a great place to work that is safe, agile, collaborative and well governed

We are determined to stop the exploitation of labour hire workers. To do this, we use tools proportionate to the harms involved. We:

  • put labour hire workers at the centre of everything we do
  • protect workers from labour hire providers who are unwilling and/or unable to comply
  • understand there are labour hire workers who are being exploited in different ways
  • recognise that labour hire workers are at a higher risk of being exploited because of the nature of labour hire
  • recognise that exploitation is widespread in industries that rely upon low- or semi-skilled workers
  • recognise labour hire workers experience harms with significant impacts in all industries and occupations, and
  • support and educate labour hire providers who are doing the right thing.