Wodonga Information Session
Attend a free information session in Wodonga to understand your obligations under Victorian labour hire law.
Venue: Hyphen - Wodonga Library - Community Studio
126 Hovell Street
Wodonga, VIC 3690
Labour Hire Authority (LHA) regularly holds free information sessions across Victoria for businesses that provide or use labour hire services.
These sessions focus on a range of topics, including:
Sign to our monthly newsletter to stay up to date on upcoming events and sessions.
Attend a free information session in Wodonga to understand your obligations under Victorian labour hire law.
Venue: Hyphen - Wodonga Library - Community Studio
126 Hovell Street
Wodonga, VIC 3690
Attend a free information session in Cobram to understand your obligations under Victorian labour hire law.
Venue: Cobram Library - Meeting Room
14 Punt Road
Cobram, VIC 3644
Attend a free information session in Geelong to understand your obligations under Victorian labour hire law.
Venue: Geelong West Town Hall - Supper Room
153 Pakington Street
Geelong West, VIC 3218
Attend a free information session in Werribee to understand your obligations under Victorian labour hire law.
Venue: Wyndham Park Community Centre - Community Room 1
55 - 57 Kookaburra Avenue
Werribee, VIC 3030