Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

Lodging an annual report with LHLO Portal

Licensed labour licence holders must report on their labour hire activities for the previous 12 months annually. Nominated officers have 28 days to lodge the report from the end of each reporting period.

Example: For a licence that commenced 30 June 2022, the annual report would be due on 28 July 2023. The period reported is 30 June 2022 to 30 June 2023.

Annual reporting can be easily lodged using the Labour Hire Licensing Online (LHLO) Portal. Your specific annual reporting due date can be found in your LHLO portal account.

Viewing annual report

  • An upcoming, due or overdue annual report will be displayed in a notification window will display under 'Licences'.
  • Click 'Lodge annual reporting' to begin your annual report. Alternatively you can view the full notification under the 'Notifications and alerts' column.

Annual Reporting - DashboardAnnual Reporting - Notification

TIP: You can view any items that require actioning under Transactions in progress.

Completing your Annual Report

  • Provide your responses to each question by filling in the marked fields. Fields marked with an asterisk must be answered.
  • Proceed to the declarations section and e-sign by entering your details in the relevant fields.
  • Lodge your report by clicking 'Lodge', OR click on the 'Save and resume later' If you wish to complete at a later time.

Annual reporting - Declare and complete

IMPORTANT: LHA may ask providers for further evidence to support declarations at any time, as a condition of a labour hire licence.

More information

Contact us

If you are unable to find the information you are looking for on this page, need clarification or would like to provide feedback, you can call LHA at 1300 545 200 or email

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See also