Using LHLO Portal to pay an annual licence fee

All labour hire providers in Victoria are required to pay licence fees under the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018. These must be paid at application, annually and at licence renewal.

You must pay an annual licence fee:

  • when your licence is granted, and;
  • at the start of each 12-month period after your licence is issued until the licence expires.

Fees can be paid using Visa, Mastercard or BPAY® through the Labour Hire Licensing Online (LHLO) portal.

Viewing annual licence fee

  • When an annual licence fee is coming up, due or overdue a notification window will display under the heading 'Licences'.
  • Click 'Pay now' or 'View' under 'Notifications and alerts' to enter your turnover and payment details online.

LHLO Portal - Viewing Annual Licence Fee

TIP: You can view any items that require actioning under Transactions in progress.

Completing business tier declaration

You will be required to declare your turnover for the last 4 quarters at the time of licence fee payments and provide the relevant BAS documents as evidence of your turnover. More information on business tiers

Turnover - LHLO Portal - Paying an annual licence fee

Click 'Next' to declare the information is true and correct. Or click 'Save and resume later' to save the form and complete later.

Confirm your answers are correct

Note: Once you confirm that your responses are correct you will be unable to go back and change your turnover.

Upon completion you will be taken to the Fee summary page which will display the relevant annual licence fee based on your business tier.

Fee Summary

Paying the annual licence fee

1. VISA or Mastercard

You can pay the annual licence fee online by clicking on the 'Pay and lodge via credit card' button and entering your VISA or Mastercard details.


You can pay the annual licence fee online by clicking ‘Pay and lodge via BPAY'. The BPAY reference number will be sent to you. Learn more about using BPAY.

Payment required

More information

Contact us

If you are unable to find the information you are looking for on this page, need clarification or would like to provide feedback, you can call LHA at 1300 545 200 or email

See also