Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

Proof of Identity

As part of the labour hire licence application process, the Labour Hire Authority (LHA) conducts checks of relevant persons to:

  • verify their identity
  • ensure they are fit and proper.

This includes a criminal history check through the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC).

To enable LHA to conduct these checks and process a licence application, relevant persons must either:

  1. Verify their identity using Service Victoria’s digital identity portal.
  2. Provide certified copies of identity documents directly through the Labour Hire Licensing Online (LHLO) Portal.

Using Service Victoria

LHA uses Service Victoria to verify your identity and collect the information needed to complete your criminal history check.

To complete this step, relevant persons will be redirected from the LHLO Portal to Service Victoria.

You will need:

  • a smart phone to take and upload a photo of yourself 
  • three identity documents.

Service Victoria uses your phone’s camera to:

  • check your name, date of birth, document numbers and photo
  • make sure the names on your documents match
  • use face and document recognition to verify your identity.

This video explains how to complete a Service Victoria online ID check.

If you need help completing this step, you can contact Service Victoria directly at

Acceptable identity documents

Each relevant person is required to provide three of the following identity documents. This must include at least one document from each category, and one must have a photo. These do not have be certified by an authorised person.

If the names of your identity documents do not match, you are required to provide proof of your name change in the form of an Australian marriage certificate or change of name certificate.

Commencement Document

  • Current Australian driver licence
    Learner permit, provisional or full licence issued by a state or territory, showing signature and/or photo
  • Medicare card

Primary Document

  • Australian passport
    Current or expired within the last 3 years
  • Current foreign passport
    With a valid Australian Visa
  • Full Australian birth certificate
    Birth extracts or birth cards not accepted
  • ImmiCard
    Issued by Department of Home Affairs (expired card accepted)
  • Australian citizenship certificate

Using the LHLO Portal

When verifying your identity using the LHLO Portal, certified copies of three different proof of identity documents must be provided for each relevant person:

Each copy must be an accurate version of the original document. It is an offence under the Oaths and Affirmations Act 2018 (Vic) to present a false copy of a document for certification, or to certify certain copies of documents, with maximum penalties of 5 years’ imprisonment.

LHA may retain and use these documents in accordance with the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018 (Vic) and our Privacy Policy.

Important notes

  • Three different documents must be provided – the same document cannot be used for two purposes.
  • All documents must be current and not expired (unless otherwise noted below).
  • At least one document must be a photo identity document including the applicant’s full name, date of birth and photograph (such as a driver licence or passport).
  • If different names appear on the identity documents, they must be accompanied by either:
  • a change of name certificate issued by Australian Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
  • an Australian marriage certificate (must be issued by a state or territory, not by a church or celebrant – visit the Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria for more information).
  • All documents must be correctly certified as outlined below.

Commencement of Identity Documents

One of these is required to process a licence application.

  • Australian birth certificate or authorised record of birth
    Birth extracts or birth cards not accepted
  • Immigration record or document, including:
    • Australian citizenship certificate
    • Australian visa
      Accessible via Visa Entitlement Verification Online system; visa must be current at time of entry into Australia as a resident or tourist; must be accompanied by a foreign passport (expired passport accepted)
  • ImmiCard
    Issued by Department of Home Affairs (expired card accepted)
  • Australian Passport

Primary Use in Community Documents

One of these is required to process a licence application.

  • Australian passport
    Including Ordinary, Frequent traveller, Diplomatic, Official and Emergency
  • Australian driver licence
    Learner permit, provisional or full licence issued by a state or territory, showing signature and/or photo
  • ImmiCard
    Issued by the Department of Home Affairs to assist visa holders to provide evidence of their Commencement of Identity in Australia
  • Foreign Passport
    Issued by a country other than Australia with a valid visa or valid entry stamp or equivalent
  • Proof of age or photo identity card
    Issued by an Australian government agency, showing name, date of birth, photo and signature
  • Secondary student ID card
    For persons aged under 18 years with no other documents; must be issued by an Australian government agency or Australian school

Secondary Use in Community Documents

One of these are required to process a licence application.

  • DFAT issued Certificate of Identity
  • DFAT issued Document of Identity
  • DFAT issued United Nations Convention Travel Document Secondary
  • Foreign government issued documents, for example, driver licences (documents in languages other than English must be accompanied by a NAATI accredited translation)
  • Medicare card
  • Enrolment with the Australian Electoral Commission
  • Security Guard/Crowd Control photo licence
  • Evidence of right to a government benefit (DVA or Centrelink)
  • Consular photo identity card issued by DFAT
  • Police Force Officer photo identity card
  • Australian Defence Force photo identity card
  • Commonwealth or state/territory government photo identity card (Working with Children card, Working with Vulnerable People card, or a government issued occupational licence)
  • Aviation security identification card
  • Maritime security identification card
  • Firearms licence
  • Credit reference check
  • Australian secondary or tertiary student photo identity document
  • Certified academic transcript from an Australian university
  • Trusted referees report
  • Document showing Tax File Number, such as a Notice of Assessment from the Australian Taxation Office

Certified copies of documents

To produce certified copies of identity documents, an authorised person verifies that:

  • the applicant is recognisable as the person on the original photo identification document
  • the copies of the applicant’s identity documents are true copies of the originals.

How to certify identity documents

  1. Make a copy of each original identity document.
  2. Visit a person who is authorised in the relevant state, territory or country to certify copies of original documents. (A list of people authorised in Victoria is available on the Department of Justice and Community Safety website.)
  3. Provide each original identity document and its copy to the authorised person to certify in line with the process below.

Certifying the photo identification document

In the applicant’s presence, the authorised person needs to confirm that:

  • the original photo identification document is an original
  • the copy is identical to the original document
  • the applicant is recognisable as the person in the photo

The applicant then needs to sign the copy of the photo identification document, and the authorised person needs to write: ‘I certify that the photograph on this [document type] is a true likeness of [applicant’s name] and I have witnessed their signature.’

Certifying other identification documents

The certified copy of each identification document must include:

  • a written or stamped statement by the authorised person that reads ‘Certified to be a true copy of the original seen by me’
  • the signature of the authorised person
  • the following details of the authorised person:
    • full name
    • date of certification
    • professional address
    • profession or occupation (with position number if relevant)
    • stamp or seal (if relevant)
  • on each page of the certified copy:
    • the signature and initials of the authorised person
    • a page number including the total number of pages in the document, for example ‘Page 1 of 3’.

If a mistake is made in certifying the copies:

  • If the mistake is minor, unintended and does not materially affect the nature of what is being certified then the certified copy will be valid despite the mistake.
  • An invalidly certified copy will need to be certified again by an authorised person.