Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

8 applications refused; 48 more notices of intention to refuse issued

30 July 2021
8 applications refused; 48 more notices of intention to refuse issued July 2021

The Labour Hire Authority has refused 8 more labour hire licence applications following investigations undertaken in connection with a range of issues including:  

  • WorkCover obligations
  • compliance with industrial instrument(s) and conditions of workers
  • compliance with other relevant laws including taxation law.

The LHA has worked with businesses that have submitted incomplete or inaccurate applications to improve their understanding of basic workplace obligations and to get them to provide the information we need to assess a complete application.

The LHA engaged with the applicants, made enquiries, and finally requested further information using our powers under the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018. The 8 applicants failed to provide the required evidence and their applications for a labour hire licence have been refused.

By removing providers who are not demonstrating compliance with workplace laws, the LHA is helping prevent:

  • honest businesses being unfairly undercut by businesses that do not comply with relevant laws such as WorkCover, awards and taxation laws.
  • compliant businesses facing higher WorkCover premiums because of unregistered businesses.
  • workers missing out on wages and other entitlements
  • the community missing out on revenue that could have contributed to community services.

We carefully assess each application, against the tests prescribed by the labour hire licensing laws, to improve the transparency and integrity of the labour hire industry and to prevent the exploitation of workers. We also work with Victorian, Commonwealth and interstate government agencies and regulators to check the information and we may request information where we believe non-compliance may be occurring due to disclosures by other agencies.

The LHA has issued 48 more Notices of Intention to Refuse to applicants as a final effort to obtain the information required to demonstrate their compliance with relevant laws.

Labour hire hosts must only use licenced providers, or face maximum penalties of $581,568. Unlicensed labour hire providers face maximum penalties of up to $145,392 for an individual and $581,568 for a corporation.

If you are aware of mistreated labour hire workers, hosts using unlicensed labour hire providers, or unlicensed labour hire providers please Report a Problem or call 1300 545 200.

To check the licence or application status of a labour hire provider visit