Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

Latest News


Have you chosen the right nominated officer?

Some new labour hire licence applications have been started by people who do not control the labour hire business, like accountants or administrative assistants.

If you are making an application, remember that a nominated officer must be a person responsible for the day-to-day directing of the business.

Additional obligations for certain industries

Victoria’s COVIDSafe settings have changed from Saturday 21 August.

This has changed the additional obligations for certain industries, including poultry and meat processing, warehousing, horticulture, construction and others.

To check if your industry has been affected visit How we work: Victoria.

Have you updated your COVIDSafe plan?

All businesses must review and update their COVIDSafe Plans regularly, especially when restrictions or public health advice changes.

Organisations with multiple worksites must complete a COVIDSafe Plan for each worksite.

You can stay up to date with restrictions and public health advice at

Authorised worker permit update

Authorised workers in Victoria are currently required to carry employer-certified permits when working and travelling for work.

Employers must keep a record of all Authorised Worker Permits they have issued. Workplaces in Victoria must not permit workers to undertake work at the workplace unless it an authorised provider or service, or workers are authorised.

To check your eligibility and to find out how to access the authorised worker permit visit