Here’s to a safe holiday season
Looking after your workers over the festive season / Our Annual Report has been published.
Looking after your workers over the festive season / Our Annual Report has been published.
In this edition: The highest ever penalty for contraventions of labour hire law / Upcoming compliance and engagement / Updates on commercial cleaning, agriculture and horticulture
A Victorian company and its director have been fined the highest combined penalty in Australian history for contraventions of labour hire law, following a successful LHA prosecution.
Recent and upcoming industry engagement and compliance focuses
Be aware of LHA’s compliance focus in the commercial cleaning industry.
Agriculture Victoria have launched a $20 million program to strengthen the state’s agriculture and horticulture industries.
As a host, are you aware of the changes to your OHS duties?
LHA assisted a security industry provider to improve compliance with their legal obligations.
A Victorian company and its director have been fined a total of $483,428.40 – the highest combined penalty in Australian history for contraventions of labour hire law – following a successful prosecution by the Labour Hire Authority (LHA).