Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

Latest News


Updated obligations under Stage 3 and 4 Restrictions

The Authority has written to all licensed labour hire providers and applicants on behalf of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions (DJPR) about their updated obligations under Stage 3 and 4 restrictions. Providers were also advised of updated coronavirus (COVID-19) resources and specific guidance from DHHS, Business Victoria and WorkSafe Victoria.

The Authority appreciates that the COVID-19 emergency creates significant challenges for the labour hire industry. The new directions of the Chief Health Officer will have a significant impact on labour hire providers and host businesses and are essential to prevent the spread of COVID-19. If we all do this, we can protect our loved ones, friends, colleagues, health care workers and the community.

31 August 2020

Providers, don't forget to check your LHLO account

The Authority regularly contacts licensed labour hire providers and applicants through their secure LHLO (Labour Hire Licensing Online) accounts

Providers should check their accounts for messages from the Authority following SMS or email notifications.

LHLO account messages from the Authority may include:

  • requests for further information to progress licence applications
  • application decisions and licence conditions.
31 August 2020

COVID-19 restrictions and COVIDSafe Plans

Stage 4 restrictions are in place for metropolitan Melbourne and stage 3 restrictions are in place for regional Victoria and Mitchell Shire. 

Businesses under Stage 4 restrictions can only operate for on-site operations if they are a Permitted Work Premises and have COVIDSafe Plans for each worksite.

Regional Victoria is in Stage 3 ‘Stay at Home’ restrictions to help slow the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and a COVIDSafe Plan is advised for work premises.

A COVIDSafe Plan helps protect staff, customers and visitors. It also helps businesses prepare for a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the workplace. To help you prepare or update your COVIDSafe Plans go to Business Victoria.

For more information

31 August 2020

Permitted Worker Scheme

In metropolitan Melbourne, employers who require their staff to attend a worksite must issue a permitted worker permit to their employees under the Permitted Worker Scheme. This is the responsibility of the employer. Guidelines and the permit template are available from DHHS.

The permitted workers list was updated on 21 August 2020. Visit Department of Health and Human Services for the updated information.

31 August 2020

Translated COVID-19 resources

To help communicate important health information in languages other than English, you can use the translated resources from DHHS website.

These resources can be downloaded, distributed digitally, displayed at worksites and, where appropriate, displayed in accommodation and on transportation provided by employers.