Latest News


32 more labour hire licence applications refused

The Labour Hire Authority has refused 32 more labour hire licence applications following enquiries in connection with compliance with modern awards and wages, superannuation, registration for WorkCover and more.

The LHA has also issued 72 additional notices of intention to refuse to applicants as a final effort for them to demonstrate their compliance with relevant laws.

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Did you know we can send alerts to you about labour hire providers? Sign up to Follow my providers to receive email and SMS notifications about licensed providers and applicants, including when their licences are granted, suspended or cancelled.

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30 September 2021

Victoria’s roadmap

The Victorian Government has announced Victoria’s new roadmap to deliver the National Plan developed based on expert modelling from the Burnet Institute. It is set against COVID-19 thresholds including hospitalisation rates, and the vaccination targets already set out in the National Plan to transition Australia’s National COVID-19 Response. 

For more information see Victoria's roadmap

30 September 2021

Coronavirus (COVID-19) support and guidance has a range of useful resources to help businesses find information and plan, including financial and other support for COVID-19, business grants, COVIDSafe Plans, information on testing site and more.

For free and helpful resources visit

30 September 2021

Call to stamp out work related violence

All Victorians are urged to change their attitudes as front-line workers face ugly aggression from members of the public. Unacceptable behaviour can have a negative impact on the physical and mental wellbeing of workers. It’s never ok.

Learn more about the campaign from WorkSafe Victoria

30 September 2021