Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

Latest News


Welcome to the Labour Hire Authority's October e-News

The Labour Hire Authority has worked with labour hire providers to improve their compliance and understanding of workplace laws through the licensing process, information sessions and workplace inspections.

Where we identify breaches of relevant laws, the LHA takes appropriate action including refusing applications, and suspending licences, cancelling licences, or varying licences to include conditions.

Additional rights and protections for labour hire workers under OHS Act

New changes to the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Act ensures that labour hire workers now have the same rights and protections at their host employer’s workplace as employees of the host. These changes also include more consultation, coordination and cooperation requirements for both hosts and providers.

Learn more

29 October 2021

Insurance and indemnities for health and safety penalties are now gone

New laws prohibit businesses from using insurance or indemnity arranges to avoid liability to pay fines for offences under Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 and other Acts and Regulations.

Learn more

29 October 2021

Superannuation info for providers and hosts

Labour hire providers must comply with superannuation laws to obtain and keep their labour hire licence. Hosts (including providers who subcontract) must make sure they are paying their providers enough to make a profit and meet all their legal obligations including paying award wages, superannuation, WorkCover and tax. Do you know if you must pay super?

Chance for farmers to brush up on safety this harvest season

Horticulture businesses in the Koo Wee Rup, Lang Lang and Cardinia regions are being urged to ensure they put health and safety first as harvest season moves into full swing. Subject to COVID-19 restrictions, inspectors and authorised officers will conduct compliance checks on farms in region in November to check businesses are operating safely and workers are treated fairly and provided by licensed labour hire providers.

COVID-19 Impacts & Horticulture Labour Hire Providers

To help labour hire providers in horticulture and agriculture minimise the impacts of COVID-19 and protect workers, businesses and the communities, Agriculture Victoria and Labour Hire Authority hosted two forums with Department of Health Senior Medical Advisor, Dr John Parkes.

The sessions gave providers a great opportunity to ask questions about COVIDSafe principles and their COVIDSafe plans.