Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

Latest News


COVID-19 and your OHS responsibilities

The Authority continues to warn labour hire providers and hosts that during this pandemic, it is more important than ever to ensure the occupational health and safety of their workers.

Compliance with existing workplace laws including the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 is a requirement for a labour hire licence. Providers and hosts are encouraged to use the COVID-19 resources from the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), WorkSafe Victoria and Safe Work Australia

To help businesses prevent infection in the workplace, plan for and respond to COVID-19 and support contact tracing with record keeping the DHHS has a prepared a range of resources.

30 June 2020

Translated COVID-19 resources for workers

To help communicate vital health information to workers in other languages, employers can visit the DHHS website, download translated resources, distribute them digitally and display them at worksites. Where appropriate the resources can also be displayed in employer provided accommodation and on employer provided transportation.

The translated resources include:

  • Slowing the spread of coronavirus and Get tested if you have these symptoms posters
  • Wash your hands regularly, Cover your cough and sneeze, and 3 ways to stay safe posters
  • Looking after your mental health during COVID-19 pandemic
  • translated and English updates.

Translated resources

30 June 2020

Fair Work Commission: Changes to awards in 2020

The Fair Work Commission has been reviewing all modern awards and the new awards are taking effect throughout this year. To find out if your award has already been updated visit Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO).

If your award hasn't been updated yet, sign up to FWO alert service to hear about changes to your specific awards.

30 June 2020

Fair Work Commission: 1.75% increase to minimum wages

The Fair Work Commission has announced a 1.75% increase to minimum wages. This will apply to all award wages. 

To find out when a specific award will increase you can visit the FWO website.

30 June 2020

Agriculture Workforce Plan: finding work and workers

As a part of the Victorian Government’s Working for Victoria fund, the $50 million Agriculture Workforce Plan has been set up to help agriculture, food processing and critical food supply chain business in rural, regional and outer metropolitan Victoria with:

  • recruitment
  • case management
  • financial support for worker relocation and transport 
  • worker induction and retraining 
  • business adaptation.

Businesses across the state can register their needs on the platform and access a talent pool of jobseekers.

30 June 2020

Welcome to the Labour Hire Authority's June e-News 2020

The Labour Hire Authority is directly contacting Nominated Officers to help providers understand their ongoing legal obligations around pay and awards.

Awards are legal documents that outline the minimum pay rates and conditions of employment. There are more than 100 industry or occupation awards that cover most people who work in Australia.

Employers should be aware that:

  • The Fair Work Commission (FWC) has announced an increase to minimum wages and that this applies to all award wages.
  • FWC has been reviewing all modern awards and the new awards are taking effect throughout this year.​
  • In addition to very likely being covered by an award, all workers are also entitled to the National Employment Standards.

The Authority is also continuing to undertake compliance, enforcement and licensing activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our licensing and compliance and enforcement officers have requested further information from labour hire providers and are conducting a number of enquiries. The Authority has also assessed and granted over 3,100 licences across all industries and continues to assist businesses to submit complete applications for assessment.

30 June 2020