Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

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Welcome to the Labour Hire Authority's May e-News 2020

The Labour Hire Authority continues to undertake compliance and enforcement activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article also discusses an information campaign for labour hire workers and provider and host compliance with existing laws.

Fees rates for 2020-21

For financial year 2020-21, all labour hire licence fees will remain unchanged. This includes:

  • annual licence fee – the licence fee that is paid when a licence is granted and at the start of each 12 month period after the granting
  • application fee – the fee to apply for a labour hire licence

Normally, each year as a result of indexation under the Monetary Units Act 2004 government fees and penalties increase, including labour hire licence fees and penalties. The Victorian Government has announced a freeze on all fees and fines that were due to increase on 1 July 2020.

29 May 2020

Frequently asked questions May 2020

Here are answers to a few of the top questions coming through to our enquiries team. If you have a question you can contact the Authority by using the contact us button at the bottom of this email.

Managing and preventing exposure to COVID-19

The Victorian Government has announced the gradual easing of restrictions throughout the state, subject to the continued and effective management of the spread of COVID-19. Businesses that are reopening or planning their reopening can refer to health and safety guidance from WorkSafe Victoria and Safe Work Australia to help manage health and safety risks related to COVID-19.

This includes information on physical distancing, personal protective equipment, cleaning, undertaking risk assessments and designing emergency plans.

29 May 2020

COVID-19 and Australian workplace laws

If your workplace is impacted by COVID-19, you can visit the Fair Work Ombudsman website for further information about your workplace obligations and rights, including information about:

  • stand downs and reducing hours
  • changing the location of work, including working from home
  • pay and leave entitlements, including if someone is sick with COVID-19
  • entitlements if an employee is stuck overseas or is required to be quarantined or self-isolate
  • ending employment and redundancy entitlements.
29 May 2020