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Changes to the labour hire licence application online portal

30 July 2019

Host lists

The Authority is in the process of changing the application form to remove the requirement for applicants to provide the Authority with information about their hosts.  If you are using the application form prior to the change being implemented you may upload a document with no data. The Authority will request this information from an applicant as part of the assessment phase, when required.

Enforceable undertakings

Once changed, the application form will no longer ask the applicant to upload copies of any relevant enforceable undertakings, if available.  If you are using the application form prior to the change being implemented you are not required to upload copies of relevant documents. The Authority will request further information when required.  A relevant person will still need to declare whether in the last 5 years they, or a body corporate of which the person was an officer, has been found by a court, tribunal or regulator to have contravened a workplace law, a labour hire industry law or a minimum accommodation standard, or given an enforceable undertaking (however described) in respect of an alleged contravention of a workplace law, a labour hire industry law or a minimum accommodation standard.