Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) roadmap to reopening

30 September 2020

The Victorian Government announced Victoria’s roadmap to reopening. It outlines gradual steps to ensure that businesses can open safely and effectively. Metropolitan Melbourne and Regional Victoria have specific reopening roadmaps.

There are also industry specific restrictions for Metro Melbourne and Regional Victoria based on the COVIDSafe principles for business:

  • ensure physical distancing (1.5 metres)
  • wear a mask or face covering
  • practice good hygiene
  • keep good records and act quickly if staff become unwell
  • avoid interactions in close spaces
  • create workforce bubbles.

All businesses must have a COVIDSafe plan for onsite operations.

For more information about restrictions visit Business Victoria and Department of Health and Human Services