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Engagement sessions across Victoria – keeping the industry up to date

6 April 2023
Engagement sessions across Victoria – keeping the industry up to date

Labour Hire Licensing Commissioner, Steve Dargavel has been on the road meeting with members of Victoria’s labour hire sector and engaging with the wider industry.

Free information sessions were held in Ballarat and Geelong in March, with local providers and hosts attending to learn more about their obligations under the labour hire licensing scheme. Attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and speak directly with the Commissioner.

LHA has also been engaging with key stakeholders across the sector to ensure compliance starts at the top.

Throughout March, the Commissioner attended various industry events and conferences, including a multi-union briefing at the Victorian Trades Hall Council, and a meeting of the Wimmera Development Association in Horsham.

The Commissioner also attended the Victorian Transport Association (VTA) State Conference, speaking with a range of transport industry stakeholders about improving the industry for workers.

“Engaging with industry and worker representatives provides a great opportunity to highlight the role LHA plays in protecting labour hire workers, and how everyone can contribute to greater industry integrity and transparency,” said Labour Hire Licensing Commissioner, Steve Dargavel.

“It has been fantastic to speak with people face-to-face in their local areas and forums, rather than through a screen as has been required so often in recent years.”

“Everyone who provides or uses labour hire should get involved with these sessions, to ensure you’re complying and to keep up to date with your obligations,” Mr Dargavel said.

Upcoming events

Dozens of in-person events and information sessions will be held across Victoria over the coming months, covering topics such as:

  • provider and host obligations under the labour hire licensing scheme
  • LHA’s recent and upcoming compliance and enforcement activities
  • recent legal and regulatory changes in labour hire
  • new resources to support compliance.

Registrations are now open for information sessions in the Mallee region in April and early May.

Details of upcoming regional sessions are emailed directly to licensed providers with addresses in the local area.

Details of all available sessions are provided on the LHA events page.