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Engaging with group training organisations to help protect vulnerable apprentices and trainees

30 June 2022
Engaging with group training organisations to help protect vulnerable apprentices and trainees

Since the beginning of the labour hire licensing scheme, the Labour Hire Authority (LHA) has been directly engaging with group training organisations to support their understanding of their requirements under the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018.

The labour hire licensing scheme helps protect apprentices and trainees who face common workplace issues that affect their award entitlements, superannuation and workplace health and safety. This can lead to adverse outcomes that impact their course completion rates and their overall wellbeing.

On 21 June, Labour Hire Licensing Commissioner, Steve Dargavel presented an update to group training organisations about the scheme at the Apprenticeship Employment Network mid-year conference in Geelong.

Attendees were given an overview of the LHA’s compliance and enforcement powers and case studies of compliance outcomes affecting providers who employ apprentices and trainees. They were also reminded about their obligations to renew their licence and the renewal process.

“Apprentices and trainees are the future of our industries, however, they can be particularly vulnerable to exploitation, which can affect training completion rates in turn,” says Dargavel.

The LHA recognises the importance of engaging with group training organisations to maintain compliance with licence conditions and to improve the workplace experience of apprentices and trainees.

“I sincerely thank the Australian Employment Network for the opportunity to discuss how labour hire licensing is protecting vulnerable workers and how it helps create a level playing field for the majority of businesses doing the right thing,” says Dargavel.

In addition to this work, the LHA is also a member of the VRQA Apprentice and Trainee Conditions Operational Working Group. Participation in this working group allows the LHA to collaborate with other regulators to coordinate campaigns, investigations and projects.

Please contact us on if you would like the LHA to provide your group with an update about the labour hire licensing scheme.