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Engaging with providers, hosts and stakeholders – 2023 so far

10 July 2023
Engaging with providers, hosts and stakeholders – 2023 so far

In the first half of 2023, the Labour Hire Authority (LHA) has travelled across Victoria to engage with providers, hosts and stakeholders.

So far this year, LHA staff have travelled 4,274km across Victoria to deliver a total of 43 engagement activities, including:

  • 16 information sessions for providers and hosts
  • 14 stakeholder meetings
  • 8 externally hosted presentations
  • 5 series of drop-in visits to labour hire hosts in regions.

People have provided great feedback about the value of attending, rating the information sessions ‘very worthwhile’ on average across the year so far.

The engagement has also enabled providers, hosts and stakeholders to ask questions and provide feedback, assisting with their compliance and providing insights for further LHA communications and engagement activities.

Tailored sessions for key labour hire industries will be held later this year, as well as broad sessions for providers and hosts in further Victorian regions.

“Labour hire providers and host businesses have given great feedback about these sessions, and valued the opportunity to ask questions to support their understanding and compliance,” said Labour Hire Licensing Commissioner, Steve Dargavel.

“I encourage everyone involved in Victorian labour hire to come along to the sessions to learn more about licensing, and support LHA’s mission to improve the integrity and transparency of the industry.”

Our program of free information sessions will continue in the second half of 2023 – keep an eye on future editions of LHA News, and the Events page on the LHA website for details.