Engaging with providers, hosts and workers – 2023-24 snapshot

4 July 2024
Engaging with providers, hosts and workers – 2023-24 snapshot

The Labour Hire Authority (LHA) engagement program expanded in 2023-24 with a commitment to broaden its reach and to offer providers, hosts and workers greater opportunities to participate.

This financial year, LHA delivered a total of 81 engagement activities including:

  • 39 stakeholder meetings
  • 28 online and in-person information sessions for providers and hosts
  • 9 externally hosted presentations
  • 6 expos and conferences

In addition to in-person information sessions, LHA increased its online engagement activities to reach a wider audience across the state.

Feedback from participants has been positive, with most finding the information sessions worthwhile and engaging. A recent webinar was attended by over 150 providers.

LHA also exhibited at major expos such as Hort Connections and the ISSA Cleaning Conference to support providers and hosts in compliance, and to gain industry insights.

These activities led to direct engagement with over 1,100 people across 2023-24.

“It’s terrific to see so many provider and host businesses attend our events. They’re not only learning more about the labour hire licensing scheme, they are also providing us with valuable feedback and insights into the industry” said Labour Hire Licensing Commissioner, Steve Dargavel.

LHA’s 2024-25 engagement program will build upon last year, with a suite of activities including:

  • webinars and in-person information sessions throughout metro Melbourne and regional Victoria
  • industry-specific information sessions
  • exhibiting at major expos including the Care Expo and Megatrans.

Details and registrations for upcoming information sessions will be made available as they are confirmed on the Events page on the LHA website.

Upcoming engagement

LHA will be hosting an information session for providers and hosts in the construction industry in Melbourne on 11 July.

The session will cover:

  • Businesses’ obligations under Victorian labour hire law
  • What to expect from an LHA site visit
  • LHA’s upcoming compliance and enforcement focus
  • Tools and resources to support businesses

For more information and to register, visit the Events page on the LHA website.

Recent WorkSafe session

LHA was a guest speaker at WorkSafe’s labour hire premium compliance webinar in June. The session provided information and guidance to assist employers to comply with their premium obligations ahead of a targeted premium compliance project in relation to the labour hire industry.

The webinar included a presentation by LHA to highlight the link between WorkCover premium compliance and labour hire licence requirements.

You can request the slides and Q&A fact sheet from the webinar by emailing premiumsupport@worksafe.vic.gov.au