Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

Frequently asked questions April 2020

30 April 2020

Here are answers to a few of the top questions coming through to our enquiries team. If you have a question you can contact the Authority by using the contact us button below.


I submitted a labour hire licence application before midnight 30 June 2020, can I provide labour hire services while my application is being assessed?

Yes you can provide labour hire services if you applied for a licence by 30 June 2020 and your application has not been refused. For more information visit the Authority's website.


How can I show hosts that I can provide labour hire services?

Your hosts can find your application or licence on the Authority's website by clicking on ‘Find applications made’ or ‘Find a licensed provider’ (pictured).

Applicants can show they may provide labour hire services by referring hosts to the Received Labour Hire Application Register and noting that they applied before 30 June 2020 and their application is pending. Applicants can also put a link to the register on their website.

Licensed providers can show they have been granted a licence by referring hosts to the Register of Licensed Labour Hire Providers and publishing the link on their website, providing their licence number or showing hosts their licence.


Is there a list of things I need to complete a labour hire licence application?

To submit a complete labour hire licence application make sure you read the information on the Labour Hire Authority website, particularly the information for labour hire providers and check out our application guides.

The application guides are structured as ‘checklists’ that will help you to collect the information you need to complete the application. At the end of the guide is a 'Document List' which sets out all the documents that you may need to attach to your application.


Can I speak to you in my language?

You can speak to us in your language by calling the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.

Tell the operator the language you speak and ask the operator to telephone the Labour Hire Authority on 1300 545 200.