Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

Frequently asked questions

30 November 2020

Here are answers to a few of the top questions coming through to our enquiries team. If you have a question you can contact the Authority by using the contact us button below.

1. When I report the number of workers I provide do I include workers just in Victoria or all other states? What about virtual workers?

The total number of workers refers to the number of workers you provided who performed work:

  • within Victoria  
  • outside Victoria where the arrangements were made within Victoria.

2. I forgot to add something to my annual reporting, how can I add it now?

The nominated officer can just send an email to our enquiries team with the additional information and we can attach it to your annual reporting.

Visit our website for further information about annual reporting.

3. Can I provide labour hire services if I applied for a licence after midnight 30 June 2020?

Providers that applied for a licence after midnight 30 June 2020 cannot provide labour hire services without a licence in force. Also, they cannot advertise or in any way hold out that you provide, or are willing to provide, labour hire services.

Visit our website for further information about applications received before 30 June 2020.

4. I want to start a new labour hire business, when can I apply for a licence?

Providers who want to start a new labour hire business can apply for a licence at any time through the LHLO portal.

You must wait for your licence to be granted before providing or advertising labour hire services.

5. I have reported noncompliance by a labour hire provider, what happens now?

The Authority takes every report seriously and the information you provide may be used to help the Authority plan and deliver future compliance monitoring, investigation, enforcement and education activities.

The Authority is generally not able to make comments about investigations which are underway. The public interest benefits of making a statement
must be balanced against:

  • the rights of the individual subject to the investigation
  • the need to safeguard confidential or sensitive information
  • the potential to jeopardise investigations through the untimely release of information
  • legislative requirements.

The outcomes of investigations which result in a decision to prosecute or cancel, suspend or vary a licence will be published.

If you provided your contact details, the Authority may contact you for further information to support any activities. If you chose to remain anonymous there are limitations to what we can do with the information you provided and we are unable to contact you for further information.

Top tip: Check the LHLO portal for requests for information

The Authority has requested further information from a number of applicants. If the Authority requires additional information, we will contact you through the LHLO portal.