Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

Improvements to the Authority’s website and search functionality

29 November 2019

The Authority is pleased to advise that we are continuing to implement a range of improvements to our website.

Some recent improvements made by the Authority include:

  • simplifying the display of applicant and licence holder registers
  • improving latency, loading and search times of the Authority’s lists of licensed labour hire providers and applicants
  • significantly improving search functionality of the applicant and licence holder registers by enabling users to search criteria such as business name, licence number, ABN, ACN, and suburb or postcode.

The Authority is also currently developing an additional feature in response to feedback from hosts. This function will allow hosts to voluntarily register interest in the licence status of their providers so that they can be promptly notified of changes to licence status.