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Labour hire licence refused

30 April 2021

The Labour Hire Authority has refused to grant a licence to MTL 354 PTY LTD.

In making licensing decisions, the Authority considers applications on completeness, accuracy and integrity. Where further information is required we undertake enquiries and work with other regulators and law enforcement agencies to gather evidence required for our licensing decisions.

The Authority had serious concerns and suspected significant non-compliance with a range of relevant laws that providers must comply with to obtain and keep their labour hire licence.

The Authority concluded its investigation and determined to refuse the licence application.

It is unlawful for the business to provide labour hire services or it faces maximum penalties of $528,704. Hosts must not use the business for labour hire services or they face maximum penalties of $528,704.


Check out the Labour Hire Authority's e-News and stakeholder communications to keep up to date on the labour hire licensing scheme.