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LHA and the labour hire industry – 2022-23 in numbers

16 November 2023
LHA and the labour hire industry – 2022-23 in numbers

For the Labour Hire Authority (LHA), 2022-23 was a significant year, seeing a range of programs delivered to ensure providers and hosts met their obligations under the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018 (Vic).

Licensing by numbers

In 2022-23, LHA processed hundreds of licence applications and renewals, as well as warnings and cancellations. This reflects the scale of the industry, as well as LHA’s work to grow and enhance its licensing capabilities.

As at 30 June 2023, 5,239 labour hire licences were in force.


LHA Licensing Data

Responding to enquiries and requesting information

Ensuring stakeholders have the right information on their obligations is integral to LHA’s mission of creating a fair and lawful industry.

In 2022-23, LHA received over 14,000 enquiries from providers, hosts and stakeholders via telephone and e-mail. LHA also processed over 800 submissions via its Report a Problem tool, reviewing each matter, and initiating investigations where appropriate.

LHA Enquiries Data 2022-23

Compliance and enforcement

LHA has continued to build its compliance and enforcement program in 2022-23, achieving significant outcomes across industries, occupations, and regions.

The program focuses on high-risk industries and high-impact harms, leveraging data and intelligence to direct activities.

Targeted industries included commercial cleaning, horticulture, security, and meat and poultry processing, and harms including sham contracting, pyramid contracting, illegal phoenixing and unlicensed operations.

With hundreds of investigations finalised, and hundreds more ongoing, it’s been a significant year for LHA compliance and enforcement.

LHA Compliance Data 2022-23

Education and engagement with the industry

LHA has enhanced and expanded its education and engagement activities in 2022-23, supporting a range of labour hire industry stakeholders in understanding the purpose and requirements of the LHL scheme.

LHA’s expanded industry and community engagement activities in 2022-23 targeted labour hire providers, hosts, workers and other key stakeholders including unions, employer groups, industry peak bodies, community groups, councils and large employers.

Several high-profile prosecutions led to a high number of mentions in news media in 2022-23, and the LHA News monthly e-newsletter marked its 10,000th subscriber this year.

LHA Communications Data 2022-23

More information

LHA's annual report reflects the progress made throughout 2022-23 in its mission to protect workers from exploitation and improve the transparency and integrity of the labour hire industry.

Visit the LHA website to download the Labour Hire Authority Annual Report 2022-23.