Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

LHA at the Care Expo Melbourne – engagement in August

1 August 2024
LHA at the Care Expo Melbourne – engagement in August

The Labour Hire Authority (LHA) program of engagement continues through August with a presence at the Melbourne Care Expo, following a busy July.

Four LHA information sessions were held in July, covering a range of topics and industry areas.

Over 70 recently licensed labour hire providers attended one of two LHA webinars to better understand their obligations under Victorian labour hire law and the LHA tools and resources to help compliance.

Businesses in the construction industry attended a tailored LHA information session to understand LHA’s recent compliance activities and receive best practice compliance advice.

LHA also hosted a webinar in July for Victorian local government council procurement staff and prescribed accommodation inspectors, outlining their obligations as both labour hire hosts and regulators of prescribed labour hire worker accommodation.

Upcoming LHA engagement activities in August

LHA is exhibiting at the Care Expo Melbourne on 30-31 August 2024 at the Melbourne Showgrounds. The event will enable LHA engagement with providers and hosts in the health care and social services industries, providing education about labour hire licensing.

The event is free to attend. For more information or to register, visit the Care Expo Melbourne website.