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LHA in the field – security at the Australian Open

3 March 2023
LHA in the field – security at the Australian Open

Inspectors from the Labour Hire Authority (LHA) recently attended the 2023 Australian Open (AO) to speak with security industry workers about their employment conditions.

We spent two days at the event speaking with security guards and crowd controllers who were supplied to the event by ten separate security providers. The aim of this operation was to:

  • ensure that labour hire providers supplying security guards and crowd controllers to the event held a valid labour hire licence
  • check compliance with key legal requirements including wage, superannuation and payslip obligations.

Field officers spoke to 48 workers over the two days. No unlicensed providers were identified and field officers overall observed a good level of compliance with workplace laws.  

LHA was able to provide constructive feedback to the host, head contractor and subcontractors about some risks of non-compliance identified in relation a small number of workers.

This operation was arranged in consultation with AO organisers and Melbourne Park management.

Security remains a focus for LHA

This operation forms part of our expanded field visit operations – helping to ensure providers and hosts are doing the right thing.

The security industry has been a focus over the past twelve months and will continue to be in 2023.

Across the security industry to date, we have:

  • cancelled or deregistered 62 licences (initiated by LHA or licence holder)
  • processed withdrawals of 13 licence and renewal applications
  • refused 4 licence or renewal applications
  • granted 6 licences with conditions.

The most common reasons for cancellations or refusals in security have been:

  • concerns about compliance with legal obligations (including workplace and taxation laws)
  • insolvency issues
  • failure to respond to statutory notices, and other non-compliance with the Act.

Guidance around correctly engaging workers as independent contractors is now available: Engaging workers as independent contractors.

There is also guidance to help security providers understand the cost to meet their minimum legal obligations for workers: Guidance for the security industry: cost of meeting your legal obligations