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Reminder of annual reporting obligations for licensed providers

30 September 2020
Reminder of annual reporting obligations for licensed providers September 2020

All licensed labour hire providers must report annually on their labour hire activities to the Authority. This is a licence condition and is required by the Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018.

The first reporting period covers the 12 months from the date the licence was granted. Nominated Officers will receive a notification email to log into their LHLO account when it is time to complete their annual report by answering a series of questions

Annual reporting helps the Authority monitor and enforce compliance, ensures the Authority has current information to better understand providers, and improves the transparency of the labour hire industry.

The Authority has considered feedback from the labour hire licence application process and has made the annual reporting process more straightforward and easier to use. For most providers the reporting process will be short and simple.

Learn more about annual reporting for licensed providers