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Security industry providers engage at inaugural LHA Security Industry Forum

29 July 2022
Security industry providers engage at inaugural LHA Security Industry Forum

The Labour Hire Authority (LHA) is committed to engaging with labour hire providers in each industry.

On 23 June, the LHA hosted a forum to engage directly with the security industry.

Discovering how the industry is regulated

The LHA Security Industry Forum included presentations, a workshop session seeking feedback on key guidance resources and a Q&A panel.

The forum featured an overview of the LHA’s approach to regulating issues such as pyramid contracting, sham contracting, and individual flexibility arrangements, as well as providing a refresher on key licence obligations. Attendees were able to connect with LHA staff to seek information and provide feedback about concerns in the industry in an informal setting.

The forum also included presentations from regulators the LHA works with, including:

  • an update from Victoria Police’s Licensing and Regulation Division about their regulatory activities, including how they are working jointly with the LHA, and
  • information from the Australian Taxation Office about the Phoenix Taskforce, which brings together 40 Commonwealth and State Government agencies including the LHA to combat illegal phoenix activity.

Industry consultation

During the workshop session, the LHA sought feedback on new industry guidance resources. This consultation helps the LHA refine our educational materials and, in turn, improve compliance.

Labour Hire Licensing Commissioner Steve Dargavel highlighted the value of industry forums as a way for providers and the LHA to address concerns.

“Engagement benefits both the regulator and industry. It is important that problems in the industry are well understood by the regulator and that the direction of the regulator is understood by the industry. Consulting the industry on guidance material helps us to ensure that they are useful,” says Dargavel.

The LHA looks forward to holding other industry forums during the year.