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The LHA website is now easier to read and navigate

16 November 2023
The LHA website is now easier to read and navigate

Key pages on the Labour Hire Authority (LHA) website were updated last week, making the site quicker and easier to use for providers, hosts, workers and other visitors.

The site's most-visited pages – including Provider, Host and Apply for a labour hire licence – have been updated to:

  • make the content less complex and easier to read for all users, including those with less familiarity with English
  • remove duplication and significantly reduce the total number of words, making it faster to read and access the most important information
  • adjust the structure of some pages, making the website easier to navigate
  • make it easier to move between the website and the Labour Hire Licensing Online (LHLO) Portal.

Some new features have also been introduced, including:

  • refreshed page templates that place important information higher on the page
  • ‘accordion’ menus that can be expanded, making pages more compact and easy to navigate
  • an alert banner to highlight high-priority messages when required.

Labour Hire Licensing Online (LHLO) Portal upgrades

Two key upgrades were also rolled out to the LHLO Portal this week:

Accounts for relevant persons

From 15 November 2023, all relevant persons associated with a labour hire licence are now able to create an account on the LHLO Portal.

This enables relevant persons to manage their own information with LHA, without always needing to interface via a nominated officer, and to receive LHA notifications and communications directly.

Two-factor authentication

Similarly to other online applications the LHLO Portal has implemented two factor authentication, adding an extra layer of security for providers in their interactions with LHA.

Next time you log into the Portal, you will be prompted to set up a two-factor login device.

Future digital upgrades

These recent technical upgrades are part of LHA’s ongoing investment in systems and processes to support labour hire providers and hosts to understand and meet their obligations.

Stay tuned to future editions of LHA News for information on further upgrades and improvements.