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Victorian Government launches sick pay guarantee for casual workers

31 March 2022
Victorian Government launches sick pay guarantee for casual workers

After significant consultation with workers, industry and community, the Victorian Government has launched an initiative to pilot sick pay for casual and contract workers in certain occupations in Victoria over the next two years.

The Victorian Sick Pay Guarantee provides casual and contract workers with a guarantee they will receive sick pay when they need to take time off when they are sick or need to care for loved ones.

More than 150,000 Victorian casual and contract workers in eligible occupations can now register for the Sick Pay Guarantee pilot and claim up to five days a year of sick and carer’s pay at the national minimum wage.

Eligible occupations in the first phase include:

  • hospitality workers
  • food trades workers and food preparation assistants
  • supermarket workers
  • retail and sales assistants
  • aged and disability care workers
  • cleaners and laundry workers
  • security guards

Employers are encouraged to support workers to take time off when they are sick or need to care for loved ones.

While employers are not required to be involved in applications for the Sick Pay Guarantee, their employee(s) may ask for evidence of employment if they do not already have it. The Department of Jobs, Precincts and Regions may also contact employers to verify a worker’s application or claim as part of a randomised audit.

Visit for more information or to register for the Sick Pay Guarantee.