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What are objections and how can they affect a provider’s application?

29 April 2022
What are objections and how can they affect a provider’s application?

From time to time, the Labour Hire Authority (LHA) will receive an objection to a provider’s initial licence application or their application for renewal. While objections do not guarantee that a provider’s application will be refused, it is important that all parties understand the process and their rights.

What are objections?

When a labour hire provider lodges an application with the LHA, any person or organisation that has an interest in the protection of workers or integrity of the labour hire industry can lodge an objection to that application.

It is important to note that objections cannot be submitted on an anonymous basis. The applicant subject to an objection will be provided with the full details of the objection, including the identity of the person(s) or organisations(s) who submitted it.

If you wish to submit information about a provider on an anonymous basis, you can do this via the Report a Problem form.

When an application is made, the LHA publishes it on the Register of received labour hire applications. An objector has 14 days to raise an objection from the date it was received.

An objector must be able to provide reasons why they object to a provider’s application based on:

What happens if someone has objected to my application?

When the LHA receives an objection, it will acknowledge receipt of the objection and send a full copy of the objection to the applicant.

Please note that a provider’s application will not automatically be refused if an objection is received. While a provider is not required to respond to an objection, they will have 14 days to do so. The LHA may also request more information and/or documentation from either the objector or the applicant.

Once all information and documentation has been submitted by both parties, the LHA will then assess the application and objection and decide to grant or refuse the provider’s licence. This decision will be based on all of the information provided to the LHA by both the objector and provider.

The LHA will notify all parties of the outcome.

You can find out more about objections at: