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Licensing Q&A: Can I update my nominated officer’s details online?

29 July 2022
Licensing Q&A: Can I update my nominated officer’s details online?

All licensed labour hire providers are required to notify the Labour Hire Authority (LHA) of any changes in their business, such as when they nominate a new officer.

The regulator aims to improve the integrity and transparency of the industry which means that we will continue to move decisively against sham arrangements like shadow directors.

A licensed labour hire provider’s nominated officer must be a person responsible for the day-to-day directing of the business. Nominated officers are required to be reasonably available to the LHA to ensure the business is compliant with the regulations.

You can now update your nominated officer online

In response to provider feedback, the LHA has introduced a new function to the LHLO portal that enables providers to submit a request to update their nominated officer online.

To do this, the new nominated officer must first create their own account in the LHLO portal if they have not done so already.

Once this has been done, they will need to log into their LHLO account and to complete the following steps:

1. Navigate to the ‘Apply to become a Nominated Officer’ section, then select ‘Apply to become a Nominated Officer’.

Apply to become a nominated officer

2. The ‘Before you Start’ page will appear. Once you are comfortable with the information provided, select ‘Next’ to proceed.

3. The ‘Nominate the licence holder’ page will appear. Add the licence number into the field, then select the ‘Nominate’ button.

Nominate the licence holder

4. Supply all the nominated officer’s personal details and provide copies of their identification. Fill out the question fields, declaring whether the current nominated officer will remain as a relevant person or not.

CUrrent Nominated Officer's Involvement

5. Submit the request

When a change of nominated officer request is submitted, the system will send an email to the current nominated officer advising them that a request has been submitted. The Licensing team will then commence assessment of the request and notify the provider of the outcome.

Please note – If you wish to change the nominated officer for multiple licences, you will need to repeat this process.

For more information

Contact us if you have any questions about this process on 1300 545 200 or