Please note: The LHA Enquiries phone line will be unavailable on Tuesday, 21 January and Wednesday, 22 January – Please submit any enquiries via email during this time.

Frequently asked questions May 2020

29 May 2020

Here are answers to a few of the top questions coming through to our enquiries team. If you have a question you can contact the Authority by using the contact us button at the bottom of this email.

How can I show my hosts I can provide labour hire services?

Your hosts can find your application or licence on the Authority's website by clicking on ‘Find applications made’ or ‘Find a licensed provider’.

For more information see showing hosts you can provide labour hire services.

I don’t think an applicant should be licensed. What can I do?

If you have a concern you should report it to the Authority.

If you don’t believe an applicant should be licensed you can object to a licence application by going to the Received Labour Hire Application public register, finding the relevant application and clicking on ‘Raise an objection to this application’. This can be done within 14 days of the application being published on the Authority’s website.

At any time you can also contact the Authority to report worker mistreatment or non-compliance through Report a Problem.

Do I need to pay a fee to apply for a licence? 

You must pay an application fee when you submit your application for a new licence.

If your application is successful, you will be granted a labour hire licence for up to three years.

When do I need to pay the annual licence fee? 

You must pay an annual licence fee when your licence is granted and at the start of each 12-month period after your licence is issued until the licence expires.

This fee is the cost associated with your labour hire licence for a 12-month period and is separate to the application fee and must be paid for your licence to remain current.

For example if your licence is granted and will come into force from 10 June 2020 you must pay an annual fee on 10 June 2020 and your next annual fee is payable in the 6 weeks before 10 June 2021.

How can I pay for my application or renewal?

You can pay with Visa or Mastercard through the Labour Hire Licensing Online portal (LHLO portal).

If I withdraw my application or my application is unsuccessful, can I get a refund? 

The application fee recovers costs associated with application assessment activities and is non-refundable. The Labour Hire Licensing Act 2018 does not allow refunds to be issued if:

  • an application is withdrawn
  • an application for renewal is withdrawn
  • a licence is refused.

Can I speak to you in my language?

You can speak to us in your language by calling the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.

Tell the operator the language you speak and ask the operator to telephone the Labour Hire Authority on 1300 545 200.